Current News
Posted on Feb 25th, 2017
Lavender Glen Homeowners Association
Dear Resident,
Currently, we are coming up on the expiration of our original Declaration of Covenants (20 years).  In order to continue to be a covenanted neighborhood we will have to have a quorum of voters (66.6%) to vote to approve to move forward with a new Declaration of Covenants.  During the next few months we will be contacting the homeowners to obtain their vote on this pressing matter. Please give this some thought and be prepared to vote on the issue when approached by a Board Member.
Board Members
President-  Richard Goodson
Vice President- Robert Turner
Treasurer-  Vacant
Secretary-  Rebekah Ripley
Board of Directors Members at Large
John Mogilski
Alvin Miles
President's Corner
President's Corner
Welcome to the new Lavender Glen Homeowners Association website.  This website offers our association the ability to inform, communicate and conduct the business of the organization. It is a conduit of information and a repository for association documents.  It provides one place where you can find the answers to your questions concerning the Lavender Glen Homeowner's Association.
Please explore the website and get to know its functions.  It is designed to make it easier to conduct the business of the association.  You can make your dues payments here.  You can find out what the covenant restrictions are as well as how the covenant violation process works.  You can contact the board.  You can see what the calendar of business and events are.  You can read the Board of Director's minutes.  You can look up present and past newsletters.  We even have a feature that will allow you to vote on the website. 
Remember this is your organization.  If you see something that looks wrong or outdated, contact a Board member or the Board through the "Contact us" tab on this website, so we can address it at the next Board of Director's meeting.  
This website goes a long way towards addressing some of the communication issues within the neighborhood. Make sure that you keep your information here updated, so that we can contact you by email and keep you informed on association issues. Please try to check the website routinely as we will be updating it to keep the neighborhood informed.  It's your neighborhood, your association and your website.  Stay informed and stay involved!
Bylaw Changes
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No Events at this time.